Free guestbooks for all. The best free guestbooks

Free guestbooks for all. The best free guestbooks
Free guestbooks for all. The best free guestbooks

Free Guestbook MBook v3.0

Guestbok is convenient means of intercourse with your visitors and powerful tool of estimation of developers' work. Guestbook has become an imprescriptible element of any site.

There are many guestboook services in Internet, but there are only several qualitative and professional ones. We have examined almost all of them and have included almost all useful features in our service of guestbooks MBook. Also we still improve our service according to our users' suggestions. Guestbook MBook is:

  • No banners.
  • 500 smileys (demonstration)
  • More than 20 codes for text (demonstration)
  • More than 90 backgrounds for your guestbook appearance (demonstration)
  • Forum mode: your visitors can add comments to messages.
  • Message preview before submitting.
  • Search in guestbook.
  • Page with guestbook rules.
  • Possibility of total-lot design changing.
  • Possibility of premoderation of messages.
  • ...
  • You can know more about possibilities of our guestbooks on page Guesbooks' possibilities.

    Examples of guestbooks

    Here are some examples of guestbooks that was created from standard templates (if you press button "I want the same", you'll be directed to page of registration of guestbook with selected design):

    Example 1I want the same
    Example 2I want the same
    Example 3I want the same
    Example 4I want the same
    Example 5I want the same
    Example 6I want the same

    You can learn more about these and other guestbooks with original designs on page GB Examples. The most popular guestbooks of our users are displayed on page GB Rating. Today you can become owner of one of such guestbooks. For this you should register.

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